Monday 3 December 2012

Reading and mental health

There was an article in the UK Huffington Post  recently about the real benefits of reading--it describes the flowering of a group of readers in a mental health unit through the power of reading. Once again this is thanks to the superb Reader Org whom we often mention. Do read the article and then go back to Give a Book.


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  5. It is true that proofreading and editing one's own writing can be challenging, but mistakes can be avoided. However, my coursework is a burden for my writing because it exhausts me and frustrates me. Because of this, I typically turn to online top Assignment Services assistance so that I do not have to deal with the arduous task at hand.

  6. The world could use some stress relief, and reading is one of the finest ways to accomplish it. By picking up a book, we can step outside of the present and allow our brains to wander. According to a 2009 study, reading was more successful than drinking tea or listening to music at reducing participants' stress levels by over 70%. They have discovered that simply six minutes of reading might significantly reduce stress. According to a different study, 30 minutes of reading can lower stress just as much as a similar-length yoga session.

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  8. Reading has been shown to have numerous mental health benefits, including reducing stress and anxiety, improving focus and concentration, and promoting relaxation and better sleep. In fact, many people find that reading before bed, such as during an evening safari tour, helps them unwind and prepare for a restful night's sleep. Whether you prefer fiction or non-fiction, reading can be a powerful tool for promoting mental health and well-being.

  9. I completely agree that reading can have a positive impact on mental health. However, sometimes it's not enough, and that's where writing help online comes in. Sites like the one mentioned can provide a much-needed support system for those struggling with writing projects.

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